Harvey Ultramaps are mini 1:40,000 scale waterproof and tear-resistant maps, covering a huge area in a pocket-sized package.
Their low weight (25g) and tiny folded size makes them perfect for fell and trail runners: easy to carry on the move and fitting neatly into race belts and running vests.
The Ultramaps are printed on two sides to cover the largest possible area. The two sides are aligned, with an overlap, to allow you to easily follow your route over the page. They also have a unique folding pattern to allow you to open the map at any part without unfurling the whole thing.
This map covers the whole of the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park including the most southerly munro, Ben Lomond an extra inset map for access to Ben Vorlich from Loch Earn.
Harvey maps are designed specifically for walkers, runners and other mountain users with a simplified mapping based on original air surveys. This makes them clear and easy to read with only the features you need on the hill.